San Diego Ballet

Sophie Taylor

Sophie Taylor was born in Kirov, Russia and began dancing at the age of three, and immediately fell in love with ballet. Sophie performed in her first Nutcracker as a baby doll and sugar babe on the San Diego Ballet stage. In 2013, she and her family relocated to Orange County, CA.  where she trained at V & T Academy under Victor and Tatiana Kasatsky, Igor Yurlov, and Charles Maple. Sophie also received private coaching from Elena Ovchinnikova (Bolshoi Ballet Academy)  and Tracey Carrodus (Queensland Ballet) . Sophie’s attended international competitions, where she earned accolades in classical ballet at YAGP, achieved notable placements at US Prix de Ballet for classical and contemporary, and received invitations to events such as the YAGP Finals and Japan Grand Prix. She was also nominated Orange County Artist of the Year in 2021.  Sophie has attended summer and spring programs with the San Francisco Ballet, Queensland Ballet, Alberta Ballet, Royal Ballet School and Encuentro 540.  Sophie is excited to return to San Diego Ballet as a member of the Company.

  • What ignited your passion for dance? 

From the age of three I’ve been attracted to the movement of dance. My passion for ballet started during my very first ballet class, and that feeling has never dwindled. As I progressed through my training, ballet grew into a pathway for personal growth and self exploration. This journey pushed me out of my comfort zone, and in the process taught me the valuable lessons of discipline and determination. With each day, my passion for ballet bloomed, becoming not just something I love, but a transformative experience in my life.

  • What inspired you to pursue a professional career in dance?

During my years as a student, I was fortunate to be guided by numerous influential mentors and surrounded by experienced company dancers who supported me during my training. Their encouragement and belief in my potential were key factors that boosted my confidence, pushing me to pursue a professional dance career. What further inspired me was witnessing the connected ballet community. I wanted to be part of a collective effort, using ballet not just as a personal journey but as a powerful tool to make a positive impact on the community.  

  • What is your favorite thing about being a dancer?

I’m passionate about the physicality of dancing. Pushing my body to its limits and consistently taking on challenges to improve and master new techniques bring me a lot of joy. The ongoing nature of learning in dance is something I truly love. There’s always a new style to explore, a new technique or skill to master, and it keeps me motivated and excited to evolve as a dancer.

  • What is your biggest dream for your dance career?

My current career aspiration is to perform at the Bolshoi Theater in Russia. The history, the people that have performed in the theater, and its connection to my home country, make it a dream stage where I hope to showcase my artistry.

  • When you’re not pirouetting and perfecting your pliés, what brings you joy?

When I’m not dancing, I find joy in nature. Whether it’s hiking along the cliffs, walking on the beach, or simply just breathing in the fresh ocean air, these moments bring balance to my life and give me a refreshing reset for my mind and body. 

  • What is the most transformative experience you’ve had as a dancer?

In 2020, during the covid shutdown, I had the chance to participate in live online classes offered by prestigious dance companies and master teachers worldwide. Without the pressure of performances, I was able to refine my technique, discovering more about myself in the process. This experience influenced my direction, solidifying my commitment to the path of ballet I wanted to pursue.

  • What is your favorite ballet?

Don Quixote is 100% my favorite ballet. The ballet highlights lively and energetic choreography while blending romance with comedy. I love how technically and physically demanding each role is and how each character has its own personality that contributes to the whole story.   

  • What is your favorite role you have performed at San Diego Ballet and what is a role you would like to perform in the future?

My favorite role I have performed with the San Diego Ballet has been the enchanted garden fairy in Sleeping Beauty. The variation I performed was super energetic, light, and cheerful and really made me feel I was a part of a fairytale. I enjoyed the opportunity of interacting with all of the other characters throughout the majority of the ballet. Looking ahead, I would like to perform iconic roles such as Kitri or Nikiya.

  • What is your favorite local spot in San Diego?

My favorite spot in San Diego is Torrey Pines State Beach. The coastline extends farther than you can see, and the trails along the cliffs are absolutely breathtaking, especially during sunset.