San Diego Ballet

Alexia Norris

Alexia joined San Diego Ballet in 2022. Since joining, she has performed soloist and principal roles, including Lilac Fairy from Sleeping Beauty, Juliet’s Friend in Romeo et Juliet, and Spanish in the Nutcracker. She was previously an artist with English National Ballet in London, where she performed a wide range of repertoire – some of these include Tamara Rojo’s premiere of Raymonda, Wayne Eagling’s The Nutcracker, and working with William Forsythe on Playlist. She joined the company after 3 years training in the English National Ballet School, in which she was invited to join following her participation in Valentina Kozlova International Ballet Competition in NYC. As a student, she had the opportunity to perform with the main company in Christopher Wheeldon’s Cinderella, and she also worked with Birmingham Royal Ballet on their tour of Sir David Bintley’s Cinderella. She was also a part of a UK national tour of My First Ballet: Sleeping Beauty, in which she performed the roles of the Lilac Fairy and Aurora. In her earlier training years, Alexia trained with Cynthia Castillo and Damien Martinez at West Point Ballet in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania.

  • What ignited your passion for dance?

I’ve found the process of preparing for a show highly addicting ever since I was 14. Enjoying the process has always felt just as rewarding to me as taking my bow at the end of a show. I will always be so grateful for Ballet for presenting me with all the challenges over the years and gifting me with opportunities that have helped me grow into a better artist.

  • What inspired you to pursue a professional career in dance? 

My lovely teachers, Cynthia Castillo and Damien Martinez. I was able to become the dancer I am today because of their mentorship and care that they gave me during my training with them at West Point Ballet.

  • What is your favorite thing about being a dancer? 

Finally getting to perform a piece on stage, after working so hard on it, is the best feeling ever. I feel as if I can finally relax in the movement and just be in the moment.

  • What is your biggest dream for your dance career? 

To have the opportunity to perform exciting and interesting roles that challenge my abilities as a dancer, all while enjoying my day to day dancing as well.

  • When you’re not pirouetting and perfecting your pliés, what brings you joy? 

 Spending time with good friends and my baby doggy named Boba!

  • What is the most transformative experience you’ve had as a dancer? 

Getting my first company contract while sitting in the basement of the Birmingham Hippodrome – it made me realize all those years of hard work finally paid off in that moment. 

  • What is your favorite ballet? 

Le Corsaire and William Forsythe’s In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated.  

  • What is your favorite role you have performed at San Diego Ballet and what is a role you would like to perform in the future? 

Lilac Fairy from Sleeping Beauty was my favorite role I have performed with San Diego Ballet so far. Lilac Fairy has always been dear to my heart, as I have been cast as her at West Point Ballet school, English National Ballet School, and most recently the San Diego Ballet. I would love to be Alice in Alice in Wonderland because it has been my favorite story since I was a kid. 

  • What is your favorite local spot in San Diego? 

Mneumonic Coffee. They have amazing lattes!