Lift Us Up
Your Support Will Lift Us Up
When you donate to the San Diego Ballet, you help our artists, not just to make dance, but also to make a living. Ticket sales cover approximately 50% of our yearly budget. The costs of presenting ballet on stage and training dancers for the future far exceed ticket sales. We rely on contributions from individuals, businesses, and foundations to produce the top-quality performances that San Diego audiences deserve. It is thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our patrons that San Diego Ballet continues to thrive.
Your support is so important. You can take pride in knowing that your gift makes a difference on stage and in our community. Please consider supporting the San Diego Ballet at whatever financial level, or in whatever way you can. Thank you!
You may make your tax-deductible contribution using cash, check, or credit card. Please know that your generous contribution supports and encourages better dance in San Diego.
Thank you from the staff and the dancers!
Thank you for supporting the San Diego Ballet. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible